Anna Cocquerel

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Anna Cocquerel just completed her HSC, for her this is a great achievement. Until the age of 9, she was unable to read and write. She was eventually diagnosed with sever dyslexia which is still a challenge today. After a tough start in her early years, Anna entered middle school with low-self esteem and debilitating anxiety. To add to it, Anna has scoliosis that forced her to wear a full body brace under her school uniform. However, she realised that life’s challenges can make you stronger and she never gave up. While in senior school, she started auditioning and was eventually cast to play the role of Coco Astoni in Home and Away.

Anna wants to help kids understand their struggles can empower them. She believes being different can be a super power, ‘when you see the world differently it can give you a whole new perspective’.

Jeanine Treharne2020